

14 Uppsatser om 1 3 covariant formalism - Sida 1 av 1

Lanczos potentialer i kosmologiska rumtider

We derive the equation linking the Weyl tensor with its Lanczos potential, called the Weyl-Lanczos equation, in 1+3 covariant formalism for perfect fluid Bianchi type I spacetime and find an explicit expression for a Lanczos potential of the Weyl tensor in these spacetimes. To achieve this, we first need to derive the covariant decomposition of the Lanczos potential in this formalism. We also study an example by Novello and Velloso and derive their Lanczos potential in shear-free, irrotational perfect fluid spacetimes from a particular ansatz in 1+3 covariant formalism. The existence of the Lanczos potential is in some ways analogous to the vector potential in electromagnetic theory. Therefore, we also derive the electromagnetic potential equation in 1+3 covariant formalism for a general spacetime.

Den eviga debatten? : om naturalism eller formalism som förhållningssätt inom svensk landskapsarkitektur

In this essay, I explore the history of the ideas that have shaped the profession of landscape architecture, in a Swedish context. To this purpose, I have sampled the professional debate on landscape architecture at four points in time. These are the years around 1890, 1930, 1970 and 2010. Drawing on G N Brandt (1920), I make the distinction between two arguably crucial approaches, i . e., naturalism and formalism. By identifying these perspectives, and by dividing the arguments of each time period according to this classification, I am able to compare the course of the debate over time. I take on the task through hermeneutics.

Abstrakt konst idag : En studie av Ann Edholm och Jacob Dahlgrens förhållande till modernismen

This paper presents an approach in contemporary, abstract art for a new way of experiencing modernist abstraction. This has not been possible until now, about 40 years after the postmodern turn against modernism in art, and the closely connected formalism. This new approach is represented in this paper by the Swedish contemporary artists Ann Edholm and Jacob Dahlgren. Modernist artists such as Kasimir Malevich and Piet Mondrian receives a new relevance to contemporary abstract art. This opens up for a new, more complex and more dialectical understanding and re-evaluation of modernism and its abstract art.This is shown by a historical and chronological investigation which highlights modernist abstract art, formalism, and the critical and post-modern Neo-geometric ?abstraction? of the eighties.

Asymptotiska egenskaper för Lanczosspinoren

Asymptotically flat spaces are widely studied because it is one natural way of describing an isolated system in general relativity. In this thesis we study what happens to the Lanczos potential at spacelike infinity in such spacetimes. By transformations of the Weyl-Lanczos equation, we derive expressions for the limiting equations on both the timelike unit hyperboloid, and the timelike unit cylinder. Finally the Newman-Penrose formalism is used to get a component version of the equations..

Hawkingmassa i Kerr-rumtid

In this thesis we calculate the Hawking mass numerically for surfaces in Kerr spacetime. The Hawking mass is a useful tool for proving the Penrose inequality and the result does not contradict the inequality. It also does not contradict the assumption that the Hawking mass should be monotonic for surfaces in Kerr spacetime. The Hawking mass is quasi-local and defined by the spin coefficents of Newman and Penrose, so first we give a discussion about quasi-local quantities and then a short description of the Newman-Penrose formalism..

Kvinnors rätt till land : jämställdhet, formalisering och fördelning

The differences between the sexes when it comes to land and property ownership are enormous. This paper deals with issues concerning women's land and property rights. The aim of the study is to investigate what general factors are effecting women's access to and control of land. In addition, this paper aims to explore the effects of liberal formalism in relation to gender equality and the distribution of land. Formalism and formalization of women's land rights alone won't lead to equality in land distribution or women's emancipation.

Happiness not Included : En kvalitativ undersökning av myter om lycka i svenska reklamfilmer

?If we consume the product as a product, we consume its meaning through advertising? ? Jean BaudrillardSyftet med denna studie är att identifiera och analysera bakomliggande myter om lycka i kommersiella reklamfilmer, utifrån ett konstruktionistiskt perspektiv. Analysmodellen, som bygger på semiotik och neoformalism, genererade kunskap om de olika berättarstrukturerna kring lycka i de undersökta reklamfilmerna. Resultaten indikerade framförallt att berättarstrukturerna om lycka grundar sig i myter som är starkt kopplade till den kapitalistiska ideologin. Studien avser därmed att blottlägga och analysera myter om lycka i reklamfilmer ur ett kritiskt konstruktionistiskt perspektiv..

Från luddig verklighet till strikt formalism : Utveckling av en metod för den semantiska webben

Internet is the world?s largest source of information, and it is expanding every day. It is possible to find all kind of information as long as you know how and where to look for it, but still it is only the words itself that are searched for. We have with this essay tried to find an approach that makes it possible to give the word a meaning or a context.We have, as a starting point used the Socrates method, which is a method that breaks down texts into its smallest elements and forms activities. We have redone these activities to ontologies by forming general and specific descriptions of the activities.

Det meningsfulla svenskämnet

AbstractThe purpose with this paper is to describe focus in the school subject swedish through a historic perspective. The purpose is also to intestigate how a group of pupils in the last grade in upper (senior) level of compulsory school and teachers with the subject swedish thinks about the subject, what is the most meaningful to pupils in the last grade in upper level of compulsory school.The history of the Swedish school system from the 15 th century till today and the entrance of Swedich as a subject in school has been studied by literature and curriculum. With help from Mr Lars-Göran Malmgrens analysis of different swedish subjects the curriculums analyses to see which subject who appear.Pupils from the last grade in upper level of compulsory school and their teachers in the the subject swedish have answered questions in two different questionnaires regarding what is most meaningful with the subject. The result are to be present in this paper as diagram and also in ordinary text.The conclusion is that the subject swedish has changed from functionalism to formalism and then turned to a more literary education and finally towards functionalism again. The results from the questionnaire papers show that the pupils put most value in learning different skills while the teachers see the importance of both skills and developing the personality..

Svenska - ett kommunikationsämne? Kommunikationens förskjutning i ämnesplanen för svenska i Gy11 : En Foucaultinspirerad diskursanalys av ämnesplanen i svenska Gy11

SammanfattningInom forskning talas det om att socialarbetare och biståndshandläggare i storstadskommuner har en hög arbetsbelastning med mycket arbetsuppgifter. Det nämns ingenting om hur arbetsbelastningen är bland socialarbetare och biståndshandläggare i mindre kommuner. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur biståndshandläggare i en svensk glesbygdskommun upplever sin arbetsbelastning samt vilka konsekvenser de upplever att arbetsbelastningen kan ge i klientbemötandet. Detta för att exemplifiera hur biståndshandläggare i glesbygdskommuner kan uppleva sin arbetsbelastning. Studien utgår från fem kvalitativa intervjuer där biståndshandläggarnas egna upplevelser av sin arbetsbelastning är i fokus.

"Det finns en ram, men inom ramen är det ganska fritt" : En kvalitativ studie om genrepedagogik

The purpose with my essay was to investigate how genre pedagogy works in a practical manor? I wanted to reach a deeper understanding for the genre pedagogy and to find out if it fits all students. To investigate this issue I have asked following questions:What is genre pedagogy?How do teachers work with different genres in the genre pedagogy?For whom is the genre pedagogy?Is the critic right that Frøydis Hertzberg is proposing about the genre pedagogy formalism? I have been using qualitative methods, to gather my empirical data. I have been using two unstructured interviews and one unsystematically observation, in a third grade class in a school south of Stockholm, with 30% second language students.

Konst eller Kitsch? : Konst producerad i DDR speglad genom utställningar efter 1990

This thesis explores how art produced in the former GDR has been looked upon, handled and exhibited after the reunification of Germany in 1990. Swedish Art History has paid little attention to art in the GDR. The debate starting in the 50s between the spokesmen for abstract art and the defenders of figuration restrained for a long period the ability to look upon art from the GDR without prejudices. This led to a rejection of all figurative art in the GDR and sweeping judgmental attitudes, like it´s all ?kitsch?.

Hur ser den skriftliga kommunikationen mellan lärare och studerande ut vid distansundervisning i matematik för kommunal vuxenutbildning?

SyfteStudiens syfte är att, ur ett matematikdidaktiskt perspektiv, beskriva form och innehåll i kommunikationen mellan lärare och studerande vid distansundervisning i kommunal vuxenutbildning, gymnasiekurserna matematik B, C, D och E. Avsikten är att öka förståelsen för de distansstuderandes frågor i matematik. Denna undersökning avgränsar sig till den skriftliga kommunikationen i ett gemensamt frågeforum för de studerande i respektive kurs. Således berörs inte heller examinationen.ResultatEn cykel i kommunikationen innehåller vanligen två drag med formen ?studerandens fråga ? lärarens svar?.

Företagares rätt till skadestånd för inkomstförlust och intrång i näringsverksamhet vid personskada. Om aktiebolagsägarens särställning

Enligt 5 kap 1 § skadeståndslagen har den som lider personskada rätt till ersättning för inkomstförlust. I detta avseende är en av de grundläggande principerna att den skadade ska försättas i samma ekonomiska situation som om skadan aldrig inträffat. När den skadelidande är företagare kan skadefallet även få effekter för företaget; stora förluster kan uppstå och i värsta fall måste verksamheten avvecklas. 5 kap 1 § 3 st skadeståndslagen möjliggör att skador som drabbar företaget kan ersättas som intrång i näringsverksamhet. Sådan ersättning kan emellertid endast utgå då verksamheten bedrivs i enskild firma, enkelt bolag, handelsbolag eller kommanditbolag.